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New Site Upgrade Completed

Posted on May 11th, 2018

Yaaay!!!  We’re back from our extended coma and brought a bunch of new goodies with us, you’ve may have even noticed a little change or two already.

Spill it, what happened??

Over the past few months, in collaboration with our long time go to web developer A.G. Skryp, we’ve redesigned and built a brand spanking new website from the ground up to house our comic strips.  This was an important and necessary move for one critical reason.  On the previous site, new comics may not have been received by the end user due to how we were sending the data and how the user’s browser was loading it.  This new system changes this method so users should never experience this issue ever again.

Awesome!  So what else is new?

With this system also comes a slightly new design:

  • The banner image and characters are of better quality
  • The header menu now drops down on mobile
  • Characters are scattered through out the site with each location loading a random character.
  • Comic strips are slightly larger in size

As well as a smörgåsbord of other tasty treats including:

  • A shiny blog for news, drawings, more news, and the odd tumbleweed
  • A sleek looking contact form with an easy one click send button for email communication
  • A smooth connection with Instagram to show off doodles and sketches on the site
  • A sparkling set of social share buttons to easily share your favorite comics

That’s all great, but what’s the downside?

With all these pros do unfortunately come a few cons:

Comic + page loading times will increase with this system

On the old site, it took approxitmately 1.35 seconds to load, with navigation to different comics or pages taking 200 milliseconds.  On this current site, new visitors will have to wait around 3.64 seconds for the site to load, and 2.7ish seconds to bring up different comics and pages.  Do note of course, that your millage may very.

All previously posted comics have been removed

With a new site comes a fresh start.  In time our hope is to re-do all the previous comics and re-post them in the slightly larger comic strips.  In the mean time we shall keep the old comic strips locked away for safe keeping, and have all original comic sketches available on our Doodles page.

We’ve taken down our Tumblr and Google+ pages

We’re cutting back on trying to do too many things at once, and over time getting nothing done.  So we’ve decided to suspend our Google+ and Tumblr accounts and stick with Facebook and Twitter as our primary social sources for now.

Fine fine, but what’s next?

There will be more surprises being added in the near future, with minor tweaks and bug fixes happening within the site as we see them (and loudly relay them to A.G.).  We hope to add a comic strip at least once a week, no set time or date so we hope you enjoy the suspense.  We’ll incorporate brand new comics with the previously posted ones and keep this little train chugging along until our next unannounced hiatus.