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Site Update: Old, New, Tweaks, and Text

Posted on June 22nd, 2018

It’s been over a month since we relaunched moltoDESTROYED, and we hope you’ve been enjoying the new site and comic strips.  We’ve been hard at work redoing old comics, developing new ones, as well as applying various tweaks, and text through out the site.  While the latter may not involve much humour, we believe it will enhance your browsing experience.

What’s old is new again

To begin, comics from the previous site will be back on display in the blog section.  The strips will be posted some time after the new comic is published, and these posts will contain:

  • the original comic strip
  • former comic title (if necessary)
  • original publish date
  • a link to the original sketch of the strip

You can view examples of these posts here and here.

Because we share new comics, we shall refrain from including these posts to our social feeds.

The personal and the privacy

All the hip, new, cool sites seem to have one of those privacy policies associated with their site, so we decided to follow the leaders and get one as well.  In short, privacy policies are a rather ridiculous wall of text that deals with rights, information collecting, cookies, advertisement, and other mumbo jumbo associated with that specific website.  You can view our privacy policy here.

Just a personal note, we here at moltoDESTROYED aren’t interested in all of that gobbledigook and just want to make funny comics that we can post and share.  We understand however, that it’s better to be safe than sorry when it comes to these matters.  As such, we hope we never have to re-read, look at, or deal with this policy in anyway.  (But it makes us look a tad bit professional, don’t it?)

Here a tweak, there a tweak, everywhere a tweak tweak

Special thanks and shouts to our resident site tweaker A.G. Skryp.

Many of the updates done to the site are either invisible or happened in the back end.  However, there’s been a few changes done to the front as well.  Here is a short run down:

  • Additional character images
  • Fixed weird blog title wrapping on mobile
  • Comic navigation buttons are wider
  • Share buttons are in a different style
  • Comic navigation, share buttons, and social icons show a noticeable change on focus, and have alternative text attached to them
  • Social icons in header align with site links on desktop, center over menu button on mobile
  • Slightly larger footer bottom

And finally, the biggest addition of all:

Text version of comic strips

Text version of comic strip

Now, for every comic strip posted, there will be a text version of it.  This goes for both new comics as well as the older version.  It is great for people who enjoy more literary work, and for individuals who are unable to view, or read the image.

Simply select the ‘View text version’ button located underneath the comics publish date.  A new panel will appear with the comic strip transcribed into text.  Re-selecting the now ‘Close text version’ button will hide the panel.


That’s all the updates we have for now.  Any questions?  Comments?  Concerns?  You can always reach us by e-mail via our contact form.  If e-mail isn’t your thing, you can also get a hold of us through Facebook or Twitter.