Old Version: DYK
Posted on August 20th, 2018

Panel One
C.C., standing across from a smiling Emily, pleasantly tells her, "Did you know."
Panel Two
In the brief pause between panels, neither character had moved or changed facial expression.
“If you took all the elephants on the planet" C.C. continued.
Panel Three
In another brief pause, Emily's expression went from a polite smile to a look of curiosity, while C.C. remained a form manniquin of herself.
"And stacked them one on top of each other."
Panel Four
Emily begins to act sadden and distraught as C.C., still speaking rather cheerfully, finishes her arbitrary fact. “The ones at the bottom of the pile would die a horrible death?”
The original comic strip for DYK, published on April 24th, 2015.
Check out the original sketch here.